Saturday, April 14, 2012

Frustrating class schedule change.

Today, we got up really late because we didn't get in until 5 am. I know, bad Justin. I woke up both tired and with a splitting headache. Luckily, I got to talk to Aaron on Skype for a bit. It was good to talk to see him in my hung over state, but I was only cheered up for a moment. Midway through our Skype session, I received some bad news from the Masters Program Office at the University of Maryland. The class that I thoroughly enjoyed, Politics and Socioeconomic Environment in China, which is on Wednesday evenings in Central with all the other exchange students, will not transfer back to UMD. The course is pass/fail and for this reason, UMD will not accept it. This means I need to drop the class and take a different class or I'll be one class short of graduating. The deadline to add/drop is Monday.

On such short notice, I had to pick up a Saturday class, which had already been approved by UMD. This threw off my whole schedule though. Instead of classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, I now have a class on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. As you can imagine, I was thoroughly pissed off. This limits my ability to travel throughout the semester unless I skip classes. It also means that I have to go to main campus (which takes an hour by train/bus) for all three classes. In the grand scheme, this change to my schedule isn't a big deal, but it really threw me off. I am pretty easy going unless I have something set in my head and you try to change it. Then, I get really pissy. Also, this sudden changed is paired with being tired and hung over- my coping skills are definitely lacking right now. Tomorrow, I'll be okay, but right now, it's best to stay out of my way.

The Saturday class started at 2:30 pm so I zoomed off to main campus. Luckily, I made it to my new class just in time. The class is called Rational/Irrational Thinking in Management. It involves a lot of psychological theory, which ties in nicely in nicely with my undergraduated degree in psychology. The class ended up being really interesting but it I still would have preferred my old schedule.


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