Monday, April 16, 2012

Nice ending to a full day.

For some reason, I couldn't sleep at all last night. Ryan and I purposely went to bed around 11 pm so I could get up at 6:30 am for my class feeling rested. I was so tired, but I just couldn't stay asleep. I don't normally have problems sleeping, evident by all the naps I take (the Zielke way). On second thought, maybe that means I have problems sleeping. Regardless, I got up feeling tired and headed off to school.

After class, I had lunch with a few of my classmates, Jo, Susanne and Kriya, at the restaurant on campus. Jo is from the LA and went to University of Southern California for her MBA. Kriya is from South Africa and studied at the University of Cape Town for her MBA. Susanne is from Norway and is a full time MBA student at HKUST. The on-campus restaurant serves dim sum (a Hong Kong staple food) and it was pretty good, although the service was a bit frazzled. What amazed me was how cheap the food was. Compared to the restaurants in Central HK, my portion of the bill was only about $6 US dollars. I need to start eating on campus whenever I'm there in order to save money.

After lunch, I had some errands to run on campus. I didn't get a proper tour when I first arrived so I didn't know where anything was. First, I went in search of a photobooth that could take passport pictures for a mainland travel China visa. After wandering for at least a half hour, I found the photobooth. Of course, it was out of order, but now I know where it is. I also picked up my Econ course-packet in the MBA office and went to the IT center because my computer wouldn't connect to the wi-fi network. Luckily, after some troubleshooting, they were able to fix the issue. From my wandering, I also learned there are a ton of amenities on campus, including a large cafeteria, a student co-op, a McDonalds, a pool and even a grocery store. 

Late in the afternoon, I headed home. It had rained when I was at school and resumed raining again once I reached home. Perfect weather for a nap. Ryan and I slept for about an hour, then made dinner. We went with Italian and made rigatoni noodles with green peppers and small Asian mushrooms, all in a marinara sauce. The food was good considering my kitchen is pretty limited. The rain finally stopped so Ryan and I decided to go for a walk. We weaved in and out of the SoHo and Mid-levels neighborhoods, basically doing a big loop. The weather was cool and very few people were out. It was refreshing to see and one of my favorite experiences so far.


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