Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Odd (and scary) morning

Last night, I went to bed around 11 pm to get up for my early morning class. There was a lot of noise outside my place and I needed to get some sleep so I took one NyQuil. Even with the sleep aid, I didn't sleep very soundly. I woke up at about 6:45 am (my normal time) and while I was a bit tired, I felt fine. Things took a turn for the worse though when I got into the shower. All of a sudden, I became very dizzy and lightheaded. It was actually bad enough that I had to sit down or I was going to pass out. I ended sitting there, in the shower, for awhile waiting for the dizziness to pass. I'm not sure how long I sat there, but it was probably at least 10 or 15 minutes. Finally, when I mustered up the energy to get out of the shower, I laid down on my bed. I ended up falling asleep for a half hour or so. When I woke up, I felt better. I ate a nutrition bar and drank some water and finally regained most of my energy. Unfortunately, I still had to go to class. I really wanted to skip and I probably should have, but I really needed to go. Next week, I'm missing class because I'm going to the Philippines. I also had to meet up with my group about our project too. I took my time getting to school and ended up getting to class a half hour late. Once I was finally there, I felt better . For the rest of the day though, I did out of it.

This whole experience was really odd (and scary). I'm still not sure why it happened. I didn't drink at all last night so it wasn't alcohol related. I don't think it was the one Nyquil I took either. I've taken two before and not felt dizzy like that. Also, Nyquil usually lasts about six hours and I got over seven hours of sleep. I also thought it might be low blood sugar. However, I didn't go to bed hungry, I wasn't starving when I woke up and my normal routine is to eat after taking a shower. Food poisoning also popped into my head, but I didn't get sick or have even have a stomach ache. I guess I'll never figure out why I got so dizzy, but the experience did make me stop and think. What if I had passed out and hit my head? Who would have checked up on me? I live alone in a foreign city. I don't see anyone regularly enough that they'd wonder where I was. I've made a few close friends,  but it's not like they stop by my place to see if I'm okay. If they were to text me and I didn't respond, they would assume I'm busy. Even the landlord and I communicate strictly through email and rarely stops by my apartment. I really need to be more proactive with my safety.

Looking ahead, I need to construct an emergency plan with the friends I've made. For example, if they text me and I don't respond within 24 hours, then there is a problem. It's probably a good idea to give them contact information for my parents and Aaron, for emergencies. That way, if I get sick or hurt while in Hong Kong, I'll be prepared.


1 comment:

  1. You probably had low blood sugar, along with the side effects of Nyquil. Nyquil contains many ingredients and each of those has different half life and peak. My thoughts are, you probably had low blood sugar (esp. in the morning), dizziness due to Nyquil, and you took a warm/hot shower which makes your vessels vasodilate causing a decrease blood flow to your brain. Careful next time :)
