Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Day in the Park

Today, I had a lot of schoolwork to do. I had a couple of case studies to read and an assignment to work on for my China in the Global Economy class. I also needed to get out of the apartment. I decided to combine the two, walk over to Hong Kong park and spend the day outside.

The weather was warm and sunny...about 29 degrees C/85 degrees F. The humidity was low too. I spent about about 3 hours at the park, working on my school work. Overall, I was pretty productive. I finished both case studies and made some progress on my assignment. I also saw some interesting people. I've included a few pictures below from my day.

The only downside to my day were all mosquito bites I got. Next time, I'll have to remember to bring bug repellent.

The Lippo Building (facing North)

Hong Kong Island (facing South)
Lady Taking a Nap


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