Thursday, June 21, 2012

Last stop: Beijing - Part 1

The last stop of my Asian journey was Beijing. It was actually the first place I flew into, albeit a layover. The whole term I tried to get to Beijing, but it proved difficult. Most of my classmates had already been there so they didn't want to visit. Plus, it required a visa for entry. As the term was coming to a close, I decided to make Beijing the last stop on my journey and then fly back to the US. Because no one wanted to join me, I did this trip alone. I give people who travel alone for an extended period of time a lot of credit. At times, traveling can be so draining and its nice to have other people to share the "drain" and experiences with. I viewed this short trip as a challenge.  

I arrived early in the morning (overnight flight) and checked into my hotel. The hotel was exactly as described online, crappy. The carpets were old and ratty and the bed was stiff. It appeared as if the hotel hadn't been renovated in 20 years. I really couldn't complain about the hotel too much though. I knew what I was getting myself into- I read all the reviews about the hotel online. It was relatively cheap and the location was excellent. It was situated right at the northeast corner of the Forbidden City. 

After settling in to my room, I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening walking around. First, I walked around the Forbidden City to the south entrance. I didn't go inside because it was late and the Forbidden City closed around 5:00 or so. I decided to save the Forbidden City for Day 2. Then, I continued on to Tiananmen Square and on to Chairman Mao's Mausoleum (you can actually view his body here). Finally, I walked through a touristy section that was filled with old-looking shops and restaurants. Then, I headed to the National Centre for Performing Arts, which looked like a huge water droplet. Finally, I walked north again and went into Beihai Park briefly. I walked for about 5 hours, which wasn't bad considering I arrived on an overnight flight. I ate a quick bite in the bar at the hotel and then watched some Chinese TV (in English) before retiring for the night.  

Northeast corner of Forbidden City

Forbidden City Main Gate

In front of Tiananmen 

Tiananmen Square

Chairman Mao's Mausoleum

Zhengyang Gate Jianlou

National Centre for Performing Arts. Notice how smoggy it is. 


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